Lowongan Kerja BUMN – PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Bank BTN)

Bank BTN telah berdiri sejak jaman pemerintahan Hindia Belanda di Batavia, tepatnya pada tahun 1897 dengan nama Postpar Bank. Pada tahun 1963 barulah nama Bank Tabungan Negara (Bank BTN) resmi digunakan sebagai nama perusahaan.
Pada tahun 1950, bank ini diambil alih oleh pemerintah Indonesia dan berganti nama menjadi Kantor Tabungan Pos.
Pada tahun 1963, bank ini kembali berganti nama menjadi Bank Tabungan Negara (BTN) dan secara resmi dimiliki oleh Pemerintah Indonesia (BUMN) pada tahun 1968 hingga saat ini.
Officer Development Program (ODP)
1. Officer Development Program (ODP) Business Banking
Through ODP Business Banking, you have the opportunity to contribute and work in various regions in Indonesia. Apart from that, you will also play a role in increasing economic growth in Indonesia.
Qualification :
- Minimum Bachelor’s / Master’s Degree from reputable university
- Have a minimum GPA 3.00 out of 4.00
- Not Married
- Maximum age is 26 years old for candidate who has Bachelor’s Degree (not having the 27th birthday as of 31 Desember 2023)
- Maximum age is 28 years old for candidate who has Master’s Degree (not having the 29th birthday as of 31 Desember 2023)
- Indonesia Citizens
- Preferably majoring in Accounting, Architecture, Civil Engineering, Legal, and Management,
- Willing to undergo a bond of service for 5 years
- Attractive Appearance
- Have no family relationship with Bank BTN Employees (Father/Mother/Sister/Brother)
2. Officer Development Program (ODP) Business Enabler
Through ODP Business Enabler, you have an important role to contribute in supporting business function such as Human Capital, Legal, etc for achieving business goals, strategy, vision and mission of Bank BTN
Qualification :
- Minimum Bachelor’s / Master’s Degree from reputable university
- Have a minimum GPA 3.00 out of 4.00
- Not Married
- Maximum age is 26 years old for candidate who has Bachelor’s Degree (not having the 27th birthday as of 31 Desember 2023)
- Maximum age is 28 years old for candidate who has Master’s Degree (not having the 29th birthday as of 31 Desember 2023)
- Indonesia Citizens
- Preferably majoring in Accounting, Architecture, Civil Engineering, Legal, Management, and Psychology
- Willing to undergo a bond of service for 5 years
- Attractive Appearance
- Have no family relationship with Bank BTN Employees (Father/Mother/Sister/Brother)
3. Officer Development Program (ODP) IT
Through the Officer Development Program (ODP) Information Technology, you have the opportunity to continue working in building modern digital Bank BTN as well as supporting Bank in achieving its goals
Qualification :
- Minimum Bachelor’s / Master’s Degree from reputable university
- Have a minimum GPA 3.00 out of 4.00
- Preferably with at least 1 year experience in related field such as IT/Fintech
- Fresh Graduate are welcome
- Not Married
- Maximum age is 26 years old for candidate who has Bachelor’s Degree (not having the 27th birthday as of 31 Desember 2023)
- Maximum age is 28 years old for candidate who has Master’s Degree (not having the 29th birthday as of 31 Desember 2023)
- Indonesia Citizens
- Preferably majoring in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)
- Willing to undergo a bond of service for 5 years
- Attractive Appearance
- Have no family relationship with Bank BTN Employees (Father/Mother/Sister/Brother)
4. Officer Development Program (ODP) Risk Management
Through ODP Risk Management, you will be faced with increasing business growth and require business risk calcultations so that the economy remains healthy and measurable by maximizing the Bank’s potential.
Qualification :
- Minimum Bachelor’s / Master’s Degree from reputable university
- Have a minimum GPA 3.00 out of 4.00
- Not Married
- Maximum age is 26 years old for candidate who has Bachelor’s Degree (not having the 27th birthday as of 31 Desember 2023)
- Maximum age is 28 years old for candidate who has Master’s Degree (not having the 29th birthday as of 31 Desember 2023)
- Indonesia Citizens
- Preferably majoring in Accounting, Architecture, Civil Engineering, Legal, Management, and Psychology
- Willing to undergo a bond of service for 5 years
- Attractive Appearance
- Have no family relationship with Bank BTN Employees (Father/Mother/Sister/Brother)
5. Officer Development Program (ODP) Wholesale and Finance
Through ODP Wholesale and Finance, you play an important role in increasing economic growth in Indonesia by building relationship with customers in providing large-scale costs.
Qualification :
- Minimum Bachelor’s / Master’s Degree from reputable university
- Have a minimum GPA 3.00 out of 4.00
- Not Married
- Maximum age is 26 years old for candidate who has Bachelor’s Degree (not having the 27th birthday as of 31 Desember 2023)
- Maximum age is 28 years old for candidate who has Master’s Degree (not having the 29th birthday as of 31 Desember 2023)
- Indonesia Citizens
- Preferably majoring in Economic, Legal, and Management
- Willing to undergo a bond of service for 5 years
- Attractive Appearance
- Have no family relationship with Bank BTN Employees (Father/Mother/Sister/Brother)
6. Officer Development Program (ODP) Auditor
Through ODP Auditor, you will be faced with the phenomenon that as a business develops, Internal Control is required and you have a role as a strategic business partner to support the Bank in achieving business goals.
Qualification :
- Minimum Bachelor’s / Master’s Degree from reputable university
- Have a minimum GPA 3.00 out of 4.00
- Preferably at least 1 year experience in conducting audit process
- Fresh Graduate are welcome
- Not Married
- Maximum age is 26 years old for candidate who has Bachelor’s Degree (not having the 27th birthday as of 31 Desember 2023)
- Maximum age is 28 years old for candidate who has Master’s Degree (not having the 29th birthday as of 31 Desember 2023)
- Indonesia Citizens
- Preferably majoring in Accounting, Informatics Engineering, and Legal
- Willing to undergo a bond of service for 5 years
- Attractive Appearance
- Have no family relationship with Bank BTN Employees (Father/Mother/Sister/Brother)
Disclaimer :
- Hati-hati penipuan! Bank BTN tidak p-ernah memungut biaya apapun dalam proses Rekrutmen.
- Pengumuman resmi hanya melalui email corporate dengan domain @btn.co.id & SMS blast corporate Bank BTN.
- Panitia Seleksi Calon Pegawai Bank BTN tidak menerima pemberian gratifikasi dalam bentuk apapun.
Cara Pendaftaran :
Daftarkan Diri Anda Sekarang juga ke https://recruitment.btn.co.id/Web/en/
Periode Pendaftaran : 07 – 24 September 2023
Sumber Lowongan ini Instagram by @homeofbtners
Atau Bisa Klik Link berikut ini : Klik Disini
Perhatian ! Bagi yang tidak sesuai dengan kualifikasi, sistem akan menolak secara otomatis. Pastikan data anda telah lengkap dan benar !
Dan lowongan ini gratis, tidak ada biaya apapun selama rekrutmen dilaksanakan!
Jangan Lupa Follow Akun Instagram @jadibumnofficial & @rekrutmenbumn, supaya tidak ketinggalan info Loker & Magang BUMN Lainnya.