Lowongan Kerja BUMN – PT Brantas Energi

PT Brantas Energi didirikan dengan dukungan kekuatan, potensi, dan pengalaman PT Brantas Abipraya di industri konstruksi dan sektor kelistrikan. Motto Perusahaan, “Eco Responsible”, menjadi dasar dari semua kegiatan dengan fokus pada pelestarian lingkungan.
PT Brantas Energi berkomitmen untuk terus berkembang dan mendukung kebijakan pemerintah dalam menyediakan pasokan listrik yang terbarukan dan berkelanjutan.
1. Staf Operasi dan Pemeliharaan
PT Brantas Energi (BREN) is a subsidiary company of PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) an owned state’s enterprise in Indonesia.
We are an investment company in renewable energy (especially in hydro and solar power).
Currently, we are looking for a professional staff to fill our strategic position above.
Description Job :
- To Have the ability to use the ETAP application and or DIGSILENT.
- To Make an electrical design to increase the operation reliability.
- To Carry out of electrical analysis of the equipment for plants that have operated.
- To Carry out a review of electrical design that comes from consultants.
- To Carry out the evaluation of generation in operating plants.
- To Carring out the coordination with stakeholder
- To Setting an operational budgeting.
Requirements :
- Male with maximum 30 years old.
- Minimum a Bachelor Degree (S1) in Electrical Engineering (Power)
- Willing to be placed in all operational areas of PT Brantas Energi
- Able to communicate in English both of speaking and writing (business communication).
- Able to adapt our company culture: Amanah, Kompeten, Harmonis, Loyal, Adaptif & Kolaboratif (A-K-H-L-A-K).
Daftar Sekarang Juga Lowongan ini ke https://erp.brantas-energi.co.id/jobs
Batas Waktu Pendaftaran : 14 Agustus 2023
Info lowongan kerja ini Instagram by @brantas.energi
klik link berikut ini : Klik Disini
Perhatian : Lowongan Kerja ini Gratis!! Tidak ada biaya apapun selama rekrutmen dilaksanakan!!